Friday, July 3, 2015

Reducing the Hangover

I know it's the Fourth of July holiday which for many, is a 3-day weekend.  
For several, it's also a time when people are kicking back and having a few drinks.  
Sometimes a few turns into a few too many and ohhhh, the pain the next day.... 

Keep this mixture of essential oils in mind when needing help to treat a hangover.  
It can help reduce some of the pain of those headaches and nausea
 that come with a little too much booze the night before.  

It's less toxic than over-the-counter medicines even though, I'm sure you're thinking Toxic? 
Why Should I Care about Toxic ? Especially when you put your liver through a few too many. 
But, it's never too late to help DETOXIFY that body of yours.  
Keep this trio in mind along with honey if you choose to drink this holiday weekend 
and any other holidays in the future.  

If you choose to drink, please don't drive.  

Happy Fourth! 

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