Saturday, July 18, 2015

How I've Incorporated Essential Oils into Daily Life...

It doesn't take long to see the humbling effects that essential oils have on your life.  As a matter of fact, there are many ways to see how they can be incorporated.  So, you might have bought a kit and think, OK, I can play doctor if anyone in my family has an ailment.
That's not how it goes.

Essential oils promote an overall sense of well-being.  When using oils, you're not playing doctor.  You're actually looking for healthier alternatives that are more pure than any product that can be found OTC.  Sure, there is a time and place for OTC products and prescriptions.  This in no way says that you'll be completely medicine free.
However, there are changes that can be made to your daily life so that you're less likely to get some ailments.  No, essential oils are not a cure.  They're a means for  making a balance in your health.  AND ARE A NATURAL WAY TO DO SO!!!

The phrase I heard that resonated the most was that medications toxify and oils detoxify.  That seems to be truthful as essential oils take the properties which are within each oil and they seep into the pores of skin or are used through diffusion and are therapeutically utilized to enter the cells of the body.

So, what do I use oils for? 
I have made a bug spray that is non-toxic including a Repellent blend, Eucalyptus, and Lemongrass combined with water.

I have been able to help deter anxiety through the use of a relaxing blend I use with a Calming blend and grounding blend essential oils.

I have used Eucalyptus instead of cough drops to help control seasonal allergy issues that I couldn't seem to stop any other way.  (This is how I accidentally discovered Eucalyptus was helpful for keeping bugs away too)

I felt kinda gassy and explosive so I used a Digestive Blend on my tummy.

When feeling this ^^^^

Reach for 
a bottle of the Digestive Blend!

My 14-pound dog had the pukes and craps so we digested a little Peppermint to help with that.

I have rough time with menstruation so I used Clary Sage with Fractionated Coconut Oil in a rollerball rubbed across my abdomen.  Now, that one has been a Godsend. The crime scene "down there" wasn't nearly as bad as it has been in several months past.

I get cramps or have a backache and I use the essential oil Soothing Blend Rub... I love it because it's not greasy and feels more like a lotion with a yummy scent.  (You know, not like those rubs that smell like medicine. UGH GROSS!)

I sometimes have down in the dumps moody feelings so I used a blend of Lime, Frankincense, Peppermint, and Wild Orange.

I have had watery eyes thanks to allegies and had to take my contacts out so I have tunnel vision (I'm legally blind without glasses or contacts) and a little Lemon oil on my nose seemed to help the runny eyes and nose stop.

I use a drop in my shower.  If at night, Lavender.  If during the day, something more uplifting like blend like the joyful and invigorating essential oil blends.

For help with my allegies, I commonly use Lavender, Peppermint, and Lemon.  It is the great trifecta! (And add Melaleucha to aid with congestion).

For owies, lavender is awesome.  It helps take the sting away on itches, scrapes, and burns. And, at first I used it for my eyes too and rubbed it around my browline and temple because it has properties of an antihistamine. Added to Melaleuca and FCO, it's a great Boo-Boo rollerball.

A protective blend essential oil, Oregano, Frankincense, Lemon, and Peppermint helped my dad with a terrible cold. It does taste and smell like.... well, you know... crap... but gargling it in a cup of about 4 ounces of water and continuing to gargle and swallow really helped his cough.

My mother has a tooth that keeps bothering her so I insist on Clove for it to mellow the pain.

My 89-year-old grandmother had a toe with a painful callouse of some sort and a little Melaleucha helped tame that down a little so it wasn't so difficult to put on shoes.

When I'm hot, I use Peppermint to cool me down.

When I can't sleep, I use Lavender and Cedarwood.  I have bad sleep issues and they really have helped.  Note that if you or your child don't have sleep issues, lavender alone may be helpful to sleep.

And these are just some of the very basic oils.  I'm working on concoctions for my mother for plantar fasciitis and also, hypothyroidism runs in my family so there is a concoction that can aid with that for healthy thyroid support.

I expect to get good use out of Protective Blend essential oil in the wintery months to ward off germies, especially on days I might be rounded up to substitute teach.

I am horribly allergic to bug bites and I try to use a special blend to keep those from making me crazy.

Then there's the house.... OK

Let's be honest.... when we think about essential oils, we start thinking about tie dye t-shirts, hemp, and friendship bracelets.  But really, I expected the smell of essential oils in my home to smell like incense which totally makes me gag and gives me a headache.  I'm actually vey scent sensitive and can get headaches from some scents and some perfumes even make me want to throw up.  Not because they smell bad, but my sensory organs send a big S.O.S. flag to abandon ship and get away from that.

I don't have that experience with essential oils and I was truly surprised. Well, let me take that back... when I first diffused, the directions of my personal diffuser said to add several drops of my favorite oil.  In my opinion, they need to specify "several" because when I used a respiratory blend in the amount of oh.........about 20 drops, I thought I was going to die.

I called my friend who got me into this oily stuff and said WTH? She laughed and I just dumped out my diffuser and realized that several drops might be a 2-3.  If using a blend, 2-3 of each is still ok.  Just NOT 20!!!!! So, anyway, that was the only experience where essential oils made me go UGH!  And I'll admit, I had my diffuser about a week before I even started to use it.  Within the week, it was rarely turned off.

I remember the days of burning candles or scented tarts to make the house smell better.  For one thing, a friend of mine who is really big in essential oils told me that she had seen more payouts for insurance money due to fires being started by candles that there was no way she would use them at all.  It got me to thinking about the alternatives of making my home smell more lovely.  However, with essential oils, it's more than just making the home smell better.  Some oils can help freshen the home or create an uplifting mood while others smell good and also might help with allergies or colds or respiratory issues.  Of course, at night that lavender and cedarwood does a great job.

Anyway, so these are some of the ways I incorporate oils into my own home and into the lives of my family.  I don't have children or I'd probably go bananas on them but I research new things every day and have found that there are uses for pets too.  So, while I hate for people to ever feel sick, I have found that there are ways to splurge on oils and save on co-pays.

Please note that I am not a healthcare professional.  I am an essential oil Wellness Advocate where I feel that sharing is caring.

For more information or questions, please check my website at

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