Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Aches and Pains Come to Play; Deep Blue Helps Ease them Away

I think about my two worst friends: Arthur and Martha.... 
When I say Arthur, I mean Arthritis.  And when I say Martha, I mean Martha Menstrual. And when I say Deep Blue can ease them away, I'm completely serious... Here's my experiences: 

I've found that doTERRA's Deep Blue is more than comforting for the two scenarios of discomfort.  I had knee surgery when I was 16, and now that I'm more than twice that age, I still get a few aches and pains in both the one that had surgery and the other one that over-compensated for when the other one was bum.  The weather changes and a little bit of Deep Blue rub helps to ease the achiness.  I also have really bad menstraul cramps as a woman and instead of popping over-the-counter medicine for relief, instead, I use Deep Blue rub on my lower back and abdomen to help ease that monthly pain.  OH! One last thing... I even put a little on my brow line for headaches.  It's fantastic.   

Deep Blue is anti-Inflammatory, helps to relieve pain, and helps to repair cells. 
This fantastic trio is fantastic!  You can use the oil, the rollerball to make it easy to carry, or the tube of the rub.  My honest favorite is the rub.  Unlike other pain relieving rubs, it goes on like a lotion and doesn't have a greasy feeling but still has a nice cool tingle that works like a charm. 

My brother and my great-aunt have both been complaining about sciatic nerve pains in their back.  
I loaned the tube to my brother and no complaints.  Evidently it felt much better!  My aunt was just visiting the house and I handed my tube over and she used it in about the same spot.  Again... She felt instant relief.  She was amazed by how fast it had worked by providing relief.  
It's great for people of all ages and there are so many different uses! 

Do any of these plague you?????? 
According to modern medicine, more than 50% of us suffer from inflammation — either chronic or acute.  This inflammation causes pain and discomfort, and is linked to almost every degenerative disease including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

1. Make your work out worth it.  Put Deep Blue on your muscles before and after an exercise session to help reduce any pain. 

2. Do you have a desk job or sit a lot on a computer?  Rub some Deep Blue oil right on your neck and shoulders to help alleviate the muscle tension.  You will soon recover.  

3. Are you like me and spend a lot of time typing?  When you spend long hours working on a computer, or these days even texting, rub a little Deep Blue onto your fingers, hands, and wrists as needed.  

4. Kiddos Growing Too Fast?  We often don't remember what growth spurts were like but when kids grow like weeds, a few drops of carrier oil (such as Fractionated Coconut Oil) mixed with a few drops of Deep Blue oil massaged onto a kiddo's legs right before bed will help with the occasional aches a child has during their growth spurts. 

5.  Ahhhh. How about an At-Home Massage?  Treat your partner to a deep-tissue massage.  Use the Deep Blue Soothing Blend or use the oil with carrier oil and give a good massage. 

6. ARGH lifting.... It's no surprise that if you've recently moved or done some heavy lifting at home or work, your lower back muscles are in pain.  Alleviate those aches with Deep Blue.  

7.  Sometimes you have to think LONG TERM.  With the amazing ingredients that the Deep Blue Soothing Blend contains such as blue tansy and Helichrysum, if you use it regularly, you will find that you will likely improve the overall health of your muscles, bones, and joints. 

8.  After the Game.  If you or your kids have been active in sports, it's not uncommon to have a few bumps and bruises.  Put a little Deep Blue essential oil on those areas and help support the localized flow of blood. 

9. You've Got it Under Control.  When using Deep Blue, you are maintaining and promoting a normal inflammatory response in your cells.  Didn't you know?  That's where essential oils go.  They seep into your cells.  

10. Stiff Elbows... Got the case of the ol tennis elbow? A little Deep Blue can go a long way on the joint.  

11.  OMG... CRAMP!  Sometimes those muscles cramp up if you've been overworking and sometimes they're lacking the vitamins they need to stay healthy.   When you have muscle cramps, try to alleviate by massaging Deep Blue onto the aching area.  

12.  Going for A Bike Ride and Try to Make it Back... I think I would almost die if I rode a bike for a while.  I would probably have to call for a ride.  That's why it's a great idea to have a little tiny bottle (5/8 dram) and keep it with you on those next bike trips.  Same goes for hiking.  Or NOW.. they have Deep Blue rub samples that are about the size of little fingertip toilettes.  Those are great to slip in your pocket or even in your sock!  You'll thank me later. 

13.  Hot or Cold?  Sometimes it's hard to know whether you should use a heating pad or an ice pack... but why plop those on you and sit when you could rub a little Deep Blue on you and get the best of a cool and warm sensation and keep going if you have to.  Still.. You should rest those aches.  The point is THIS: Your joints will feel nice and cool but the Deep Blue will warm up your muscles.  This will soothe your bones, joints and muscles. 

14. Keep Active.  We aren't as young as we once were and it can be hard to go back to being super active when you haven't been or maybe you're playing a sport for the first time in awhile....  If you're a runner, keep that knee in shape with Deep Blue.  You will be able to go the distance and sooteh your muscles and joints.  Keep in mind that sometimes the good old days of being active and trying to take in a game of basketball or softball, you might have a few aches.  Why fight getting out of bed the next day?  Help your body before the next day.  If you've overdone it, apply Deep Blue and use a warm compress to get the blood flowing and to encourage a healthy inflammatory response. 

Isn't it wonderful to have this option of wellness available to us all without the putting toxins in our body?  Painkillers? What's that??  This might just help alleviate some of your troubles and woes.  You may even wish to create mixtures with other oils to create a more personalized affect.

Please note, I am not a healthcare professional.  I am a WELLNESS ADVOCATE for doTERRA essential oils.  It is a line of essential oils that doesn't take long to realize has a world of benefits.  They're not just an occasional remedy... they're a lifestyle.  And why not be addicted to something healthy?  Oils are an addiction....the good thing: they're a safe option.
Have questions?  Contact me!  Visit my website for more information at
Find out how YOU can save on a healthier lifestyle.  
You'll eliminate more $ paid toward co-pays than you will EVER imagine.  

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