Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Back to School...

I just wanted to take a moment to share this special that I've come up with for parents and teachers and anyone else interested in essential oils.

This offer is only good through me until August 12, 2015.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Essential Oils for Beautiful Beach Locks?? Really? YES! AND simple DIY hairspray!

I love the look of beach hair.. the beautiful waves and just the fun summery look...

I have naturally curly hair so it's hard to tame... this is exciting for me!!!

PLUS- it's cheaper than hair products!!! Get those gorgeous waves

For hairspray, check this out ... and for extra hold... add more sugar!

For more information on incorporating essential oils into your life, visit

How I've Incorporated Essential Oils into Daily Life...

It doesn't take long to see the humbling effects that essential oils have on your life.  As a matter of fact, there are many ways to see how they can be incorporated.  So, you might have bought a kit and think, OK, I can play doctor if anyone in my family has an ailment.
That's not how it goes.

Essential oils promote an overall sense of well-being.  When using oils, you're not playing doctor.  You're actually looking for healthier alternatives that are more pure than any product that can be found OTC.  Sure, there is a time and place for OTC products and prescriptions.  This in no way says that you'll be completely medicine free.
However, there are changes that can be made to your daily life so that you're less likely to get some ailments.  No, essential oils are not a cure.  They're a means for  making a balance in your health.  AND ARE A NATURAL WAY TO DO SO!!!

The phrase I heard that resonated the most was that medications toxify and oils detoxify.  That seems to be truthful as essential oils take the properties which are within each oil and they seep into the pores of skin or are used through diffusion and are therapeutically utilized to enter the cells of the body.

So, what do I use oils for? 
I have made a bug spray that is non-toxic including a Repellent blend, Eucalyptus, and Lemongrass combined with water.

I have been able to help deter anxiety through the use of a relaxing blend I use with a Calming blend and grounding blend essential oils.

I have used Eucalyptus instead of cough drops to help control seasonal allergy issues that I couldn't seem to stop any other way.  (This is how I accidentally discovered Eucalyptus was helpful for keeping bugs away too)

I felt kinda gassy and explosive so I used a Digestive Blend on my tummy.

When feeling this ^^^^

Reach for 
a bottle of the Digestive Blend!

My 14-pound dog had the pukes and craps so we digested a little Peppermint to help with that.

I have rough time with menstruation so I used Clary Sage with Fractionated Coconut Oil in a rollerball rubbed across my abdomen.  Now, that one has been a Godsend. The crime scene "down there" wasn't nearly as bad as it has been in several months past.

I get cramps or have a backache and I use the essential oil Soothing Blend Rub... I love it because it's not greasy and feels more like a lotion with a yummy scent.  (You know, not like those rubs that smell like medicine. UGH GROSS!)

I sometimes have down in the dumps moody feelings so I used a blend of Lime, Frankincense, Peppermint, and Wild Orange.

I have had watery eyes thanks to allegies and had to take my contacts out so I have tunnel vision (I'm legally blind without glasses or contacts) and a little Lemon oil on my nose seemed to help the runny eyes and nose stop.

I use a drop in my shower.  If at night, Lavender.  If during the day, something more uplifting like blend like the joyful and invigorating essential oil blends.

For help with my allegies, I commonly use Lavender, Peppermint, and Lemon.  It is the great trifecta! (And add Melaleucha to aid with congestion).

For owies, lavender is awesome.  It helps take the sting away on itches, scrapes, and burns. And, at first I used it for my eyes too and rubbed it around my browline and temple because it has properties of an antihistamine. Added to Melaleuca and FCO, it's a great Boo-Boo rollerball.

A protective blend essential oil, Oregano, Frankincense, Lemon, and Peppermint helped my dad with a terrible cold. It does taste and smell like.... well, you know... crap... but gargling it in a cup of about 4 ounces of water and continuing to gargle and swallow really helped his cough.

My mother has a tooth that keeps bothering her so I insist on Clove for it to mellow the pain.

My 89-year-old grandmother had a toe with a painful callouse of some sort and a little Melaleucha helped tame that down a little so it wasn't so difficult to put on shoes.

When I'm hot, I use Peppermint to cool me down.

When I can't sleep, I use Lavender and Cedarwood.  I have bad sleep issues and they really have helped.  Note that if you or your child don't have sleep issues, lavender alone may be helpful to sleep.

And these are just some of the very basic oils.  I'm working on concoctions for my mother for plantar fasciitis and also, hypothyroidism runs in my family so there is a concoction that can aid with that for healthy thyroid support.

I expect to get good use out of Protective Blend essential oil in the wintery months to ward off germies, especially on days I might be rounded up to substitute teach.

I am horribly allergic to bug bites and I try to use a special blend to keep those from making me crazy.

Then there's the house.... OK

Let's be honest.... when we think about essential oils, we start thinking about tie dye t-shirts, hemp, and friendship bracelets.  But really, I expected the smell of essential oils in my home to smell like incense which totally makes me gag and gives me a headache.  I'm actually vey scent sensitive and can get headaches from some scents and some perfumes even make me want to throw up.  Not because they smell bad, but my sensory organs send a big S.O.S. flag to abandon ship and get away from that.

I don't have that experience with essential oils and I was truly surprised. Well, let me take that back... when I first diffused, the directions of my personal diffuser said to add several drops of my favorite oil.  In my opinion, they need to specify "several" because when I used a respiratory blend in the amount of oh.........about 20 drops, I thought I was going to die.

I called my friend who got me into this oily stuff and said WTH? She laughed and I just dumped out my diffuser and realized that several drops might be a 2-3.  If using a blend, 2-3 of each is still ok.  Just NOT 20!!!!! So, anyway, that was the only experience where essential oils made me go UGH!  And I'll admit, I had my diffuser about a week before I even started to use it.  Within the week, it was rarely turned off.

I remember the days of burning candles or scented tarts to make the house smell better.  For one thing, a friend of mine who is really big in essential oils told me that she had seen more payouts for insurance money due to fires being started by candles that there was no way she would use them at all.  It got me to thinking about the alternatives of making my home smell more lovely.  However, with essential oils, it's more than just making the home smell better.  Some oils can help freshen the home or create an uplifting mood while others smell good and also might help with allergies or colds or respiratory issues.  Of course, at night that lavender and cedarwood does a great job.

Anyway, so these are some of the ways I incorporate oils into my own home and into the lives of my family.  I don't have children or I'd probably go bananas on them but I research new things every day and have found that there are uses for pets too.  So, while I hate for people to ever feel sick, I have found that there are ways to splurge on oils and save on co-pays.

Please note that I am not a healthcare professional.  I am an essential oil Wellness Advocate where I feel that sharing is caring.

For more information or questions, please check my website at

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Always in my Purse...My Rollerball Addiction


Oh the pains that we still have when we're away from home.  However, as long as you have some essential oils that you carry with you, you can keep going about your business and do what you do.

Have a purse that's a disaster? I certainly do but I have a special little expandable sunglasses case that contains all of my favorite rollerballs right now!  They're the ones I go to quite often so they've earned their spot to be carried with me at almost all times.

I finally organized some of that mass chaos and wanted to share some of the ones that have so far provided me the most relief and the ones I have certainly incorporated into everyday life.  So get ready... Here's some awesome rollerball recipes and of course, when I'm around friends and family, I say...

So here is some of my favorite rollerball recipes plus a couple that are helpful during the summer.
One thing I like to note, I like my rollerballs strong so sometimes if it says 10 or 20, I might give a couple  more drops for good measure and it makes them a little more potent.  

FCO stands for Fractionated Coconut Oil which is my carrier oil of choice.  
When making rollerballs, there is no certain amount of it to use of FCO... 
Just fill your rollerball concoction up to the top with it. 

Headache Blend
10 Drops Frankincense
10 Drops Peppermint
10 Drops Lavender   +FCO

I rub it on wrists but mostly on my temples and above my brow bone as my headaches are generally sinus or allergy related.  It feels so good and so soothing.  The peppermint gives a nice cool sensation.

Then my favorite:

Freak Out Rollerball
 25 drops of Serenity
25 drops of Balance + FCO
I put it on my wrists any time I'm feeling a little anxious and sometimes I just douse myself in it.  I often use it as part of my pre-bedtime ritual oilings too.  It's fantastic.  While it seeps into the cells, also inhale it off of your wrists.  It's great in a pinch.... or even just to mellow. 
10 drops Peppermint
10 drops Lavender
10 drops Lemon
10 drops Melaleuca +FCO

The trifecta of all oils LLP.... and melaleuca acts as your decongestant.  This stuff has been great this year when allergies are awful and the sinuses are all plugged up or you're feeling kind of coughy. 
Bug Bites
10 drops Lemon
10 drops Lavender
10 drops Peppermint + FCO

I swear, I must be tasty to those little guys. Plus, I've always been super allergic.  I used to use Afterbite but it really didn't do anything except make me itch more and give me a funky rank scent.  At least you can alleviate the itch and smell good too.  And yes, it really does work. I am a scratcher because those allergies to those little mosquitoes make me have little whelps the sizes of quarters.  
I can't handle that.  

Happy Camper 
(For bumps, scrapes, bites, rashes, bruises, burns and a makeshift deodorant)
10 drops Frankincense
10 drops Lavendar 
10 drops Melaleuca  + FCO

First off.. I'm not much of a camper.. but this is pretty much great for any little ouch.  Though I've not had to use it as a makeshift deodorant, I'd give it a try. Sure, why not?  

(Great for cuts and blisters!)
30 drops Lavender
30 drops Melaleucha

Soothing and healing... This is an awesome blend too!!! 
This is also a very common blend that can be put together really fast for kiddos.  It will help alleviate discomfort but melaleucha will help rebuild the skin cells. 
25 drops Lavender
25 drops Cedarwood +FCO

This is one I make super strong because I am an insomniac.  I remember first trying lavender.. No dice... The cedarwood was the trick to help me.  And this is another one I completely douse myself in.  I diffuse it during sleep and I roll it on. It goes on the wrists....the forehead...temples...neck...forearms... This is the ultimate must have for me personally before bed. 
This is a new one I just made... The rain made me funky.. I don't have much energy... I feel blah. So.. I looked for something uplifting and while it has been suggested as a diffused blend, I took a leap of faith and made up my own recipe using the suggested oils.  So, here we go.. I really made this one strong too so feel free to tweak. I admit.. I might have overdone it. This has been a diffused blend that is common to aid in the blues, helping to boost your mood and also helps with depression. 
25 drops Lime 
25 drops Wild Orange
15 drops Peppermint
10 Frankincense +FCO

I know.. It's a lot of oil... And again, I tweaked it.  I love the citrus smell of Lime and Wild Orange.  The peppermint is pretty soothing and calming and Frankincense... well, it's a pure gift from God.. or..I guess really the wise men, but anyway... Note: I am not a cheapskate but I like to build my oil collection so when I use Frankincense, I mean business because it is one of doTERRA's most expensive oils because of its numerous healing properties.  
AND FINALLY...I offer you my Bug Spray in a Bottle recipe
Again.. I am so freaking tired of mosquitoes and bugs because they love me like a fat kid loves cake 
(It's cool... I love cake too).
SO it is still in tweak mode since the mosquitoes, chiggers, and ticks are SOOO bad this year. 
However, many people I had read about were using JUST TerraShield which might work by itself but thank goodness for all of this humidity and wet climate in Missouri, 
it really doesn't do much on its own right now at the start of summer. 

I will be honest: I've heard mixed reviews.  It hasn't worked quite as well one one of my nephews and he is super allegic to bugs like I am.  However, when I went into the woods and had had a cough, I noticed that when I had used eucalyptus on my chest for a cough, that the eucalyptus had helped keep the ticks off.  However, I picked no less than 10 each off of my nephews while spending just 20 minutes or so out in the fields of grass.  
SO.... it works pretty well. Especially when you use a lot of it.  
I also use it when I am about to go to sleep because you know what??? Those little buggers get in the house and they swarm right in your ear as you are starting to sleep.  
I spray a little cloud of it on my body to prevent bites in the night.  
OK. So here it is... Feel free to tweak and the more bug infested you are, the stronger you might want to make it but I wouldn't go much over 40-50 drops of TerraShield.  If you have to, tweak the lemongrass and eucalyptus.  That's what I did. However, there's other recipes I am willing to try.  
DRUM ROLL... Here it is. 

Well.. so now you've taken a peek inside my purse.  

One other rollerball I use is Past Tense which is good for tension headaches.  
Use it high above your brow bone, temples and also rub on the back of your neck.
Past Tense is one of doTERRA's specifically designed rollerballs.  This isn't one you make but it is awesome and I will definitely be addressing it within the blog soon.  

P.S. I just smelled my Elevate ME! new rollerball on my wrist and it put a perk in my step or at least I think I'm typing faster so this might be a real winner! I do know this: If you choose to diffuse it, scroll up and use the same doTERRA essential oils and put in 2 drops of each oil. 
It's a wonderful uplifting mist.  

So, that's just a start to my rollerball madness.  
I am constantly looking for more and as ailments come up, I try to crank them out. 
For example, my mom is having issues with plantar fasciitis.  I'm working on that one.  
We also have family history issues with an unhealthy thyroid 
so I'm working on finding a blend to help support that. 

Rollerballs bring me great happiness and the ability to actually make something that is better than any OTC product I could possibly try makes me feel so much better.  It's so nice to roll a little essential oil on my wrist and my headache disappear shortly after or to put a little concoction on a bug bite and it doesn't itch like mad.  It's just overall relief.  It sure beats stocking up the medicine cabinet with products filled with chemicals I can't pronounce.  

Please note, I am not a healthcare professional.  I am a Wellness Advocate for doTERRA essential oils.  These are well-researched essential oil rollerball blends.  Different blends may work differently for different people.  However, with a good tweak, there's almost always a great suggestion. 

Have a fantastic day ! And enjoy making your rollerballs! 

Questions? Contact me!  
Or for more information on doTERRA essential oils, check out my website:

Aches and Pains Come to Play; Deep Blue Helps Ease them Away

I think about my two worst friends: Arthur and Martha.... 
When I say Arthur, I mean Arthritis.  And when I say Martha, I mean Martha Menstrual. And when I say Deep Blue can ease them away, I'm completely serious... Here's my experiences: 

I've found that doTERRA's Deep Blue is more than comforting for the two scenarios of discomfort.  I had knee surgery when I was 16, and now that I'm more than twice that age, I still get a few aches and pains in both the one that had surgery and the other one that over-compensated for when the other one was bum.  The weather changes and a little bit of Deep Blue rub helps to ease the achiness.  I also have really bad menstraul cramps as a woman and instead of popping over-the-counter medicine for relief, instead, I use Deep Blue rub on my lower back and abdomen to help ease that monthly pain.  OH! One last thing... I even put a little on my brow line for headaches.  It's fantastic.   

Deep Blue is anti-Inflammatory, helps to relieve pain, and helps to repair cells. 
This fantastic trio is fantastic!  You can use the oil, the rollerball to make it easy to carry, or the tube of the rub.  My honest favorite is the rub.  Unlike other pain relieving rubs, it goes on like a lotion and doesn't have a greasy feeling but still has a nice cool tingle that works like a charm. 

My brother and my great-aunt have both been complaining about sciatic nerve pains in their back.  
I loaned the tube to my brother and no complaints.  Evidently it felt much better!  My aunt was just visiting the house and I handed my tube over and she used it in about the same spot.  Again... She felt instant relief.  She was amazed by how fast it had worked by providing relief.  
It's great for people of all ages and there are so many different uses! 

Do any of these plague you?????? 
According to modern medicine, more than 50% of us suffer from inflammation — either chronic or acute.  This inflammation causes pain and discomfort, and is linked to almost every degenerative disease including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

1. Make your work out worth it.  Put Deep Blue on your muscles before and after an exercise session to help reduce any pain. 

2. Do you have a desk job or sit a lot on a computer?  Rub some Deep Blue oil right on your neck and shoulders to help alleviate the muscle tension.  You will soon recover.  

3. Are you like me and spend a lot of time typing?  When you spend long hours working on a computer, or these days even texting, rub a little Deep Blue onto your fingers, hands, and wrists as needed.  

4. Kiddos Growing Too Fast?  We often don't remember what growth spurts were like but when kids grow like weeds, a few drops of carrier oil (such as Fractionated Coconut Oil) mixed with a few drops of Deep Blue oil massaged onto a kiddo's legs right before bed will help with the occasional aches a child has during their growth spurts. 

5.  Ahhhh. How about an At-Home Massage?  Treat your partner to a deep-tissue massage.  Use the Deep Blue Soothing Blend or use the oil with carrier oil and give a good massage. 

6. ARGH lifting.... It's no surprise that if you've recently moved or done some heavy lifting at home or work, your lower back muscles are in pain.  Alleviate those aches with Deep Blue.  

7.  Sometimes you have to think LONG TERM.  With the amazing ingredients that the Deep Blue Soothing Blend contains such as blue tansy and Helichrysum, if you use it regularly, you will find that you will likely improve the overall health of your muscles, bones, and joints. 

8.  After the Game.  If you or your kids have been active in sports, it's not uncommon to have a few bumps and bruises.  Put a little Deep Blue essential oil on those areas and help support the localized flow of blood. 

9. You've Got it Under Control.  When using Deep Blue, you are maintaining and promoting a normal inflammatory response in your cells.  Didn't you know?  That's where essential oils go.  They seep into your cells.  

10. Stiff Elbows... Got the case of the ol tennis elbow? A little Deep Blue can go a long way on the joint.  

11.  OMG... CRAMP!  Sometimes those muscles cramp up if you've been overworking and sometimes they're lacking the vitamins they need to stay healthy.   When you have muscle cramps, try to alleviate by massaging Deep Blue onto the aching area.  

12.  Going for A Bike Ride and Try to Make it Back... I think I would almost die if I rode a bike for a while.  I would probably have to call for a ride.  That's why it's a great idea to have a little tiny bottle (5/8 dram) and keep it with you on those next bike trips.  Same goes for hiking.  Or NOW.. they have Deep Blue rub samples that are about the size of little fingertip toilettes.  Those are great to slip in your pocket or even in your sock!  You'll thank me later. 

13.  Hot or Cold?  Sometimes it's hard to know whether you should use a heating pad or an ice pack... but why plop those on you and sit when you could rub a little Deep Blue on you and get the best of a cool and warm sensation and keep going if you have to.  Still.. You should rest those aches.  The point is THIS: Your joints will feel nice and cool but the Deep Blue will warm up your muscles.  This will soothe your bones, joints and muscles. 

14. Keep Active.  We aren't as young as we once were and it can be hard to go back to being super active when you haven't been or maybe you're playing a sport for the first time in awhile....  If you're a runner, keep that knee in shape with Deep Blue.  You will be able to go the distance and sooteh your muscles and joints.  Keep in mind that sometimes the good old days of being active and trying to take in a game of basketball or softball, you might have a few aches.  Why fight getting out of bed the next day?  Help your body before the next day.  If you've overdone it, apply Deep Blue and use a warm compress to get the blood flowing and to encourage a healthy inflammatory response. 

Isn't it wonderful to have this option of wellness available to us all without the putting toxins in our body?  Painkillers? What's that??  This might just help alleviate some of your troubles and woes.  You may even wish to create mixtures with other oils to create a more personalized affect.

Please note, I am not a healthcare professional.  I am a WELLNESS ADVOCATE for doTERRA essential oils.  It is a line of essential oils that doesn't take long to realize has a world of benefits.  They're not just an occasional remedy... they're a lifestyle.  And why not be addicted to something healthy?  Oils are an addiction....the good thing: they're a safe option.
Have questions?  Contact me!  Visit my website for more information at
Find out how YOU can save on a healthier lifestyle.  
You'll eliminate more $ paid toward co-pays than you will EVER imagine.  

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Poop. Fart. Diarrhea. Puke. Alleviate with the Digestive Blend

Poop. Fart. Diarrhea. Puke. 

None of this is pleasant to even read let alone experience!

With the recent Fourth of July holiday, it's not uncommon to have a tummy that's rumbly from overeating...and with the hot weather, it's easy to feel sluggish fast. Perhaps the occassional toot with every walk and an amazing bloat that leaves you feeling like a walrus. 

Or maybe you're not a public bathroom user to do #2, so when you get home, it's feels like a push or a groan might do the trick but instead you break out into sweat.  No reason to feel like you're pushing bricks with DigestZen from doTERRA.  

So, to help aid feeling a little better... 
doTerra's fabulous DigestZen blend can help alleviate several issues.  

I'm a PROUD supporter of spending only the necessary alloted time on the toilet or near a trash can so you can go on about the rest of your daily business. 

But... these aren't the ONLY ways to help your digestive system.  Check out some of the many ways DigestZen can be used for you, your kiddos, 
and the rest of your family.  No one wants to be a porcelain prince or princess, spending time near the toilet.  

DigestZen Blend

And even if the thought of black licorice makes you queasy, 
trust me when I say that on your system, it's much more easy!

 Let DigestZen help you out in the following scenarios: 

1. Tame a Rumbly Tummy. Rub on your tummy or your child's when they have an occasional tummy ache. You can also apply before bedtime and  (this is great for helping them sleep a little more soundly too. For babies, dilute 1 drop of DigestZen with fractionated coconut oil and massage onto baby’s tummy when upset.

2. Moo Moo…EW EW. When there is too much dairy in the belly, try taking a Veggie Capsule filled with DigestZen.

3. The Seaman’s Little Buddy. If you're out on a cruiseship and your eyes see those all-you-can-eat buffets, you may spend time in the cabin or holding your head overboard.  Rather than missing out on a cruise, take along DigestZen to tame your stomach and to bring you balance. If only I had known this when going to Jamaica and finding the resort completely out of Immodium over 10 years ago, I wouldn't have spent the last night in my bed rather than the beach.  Hoovering near the toilet is no way to spend a vacay. 

4. Over the River and Through the Woods. Long road trips equals a lot of family bonding and "Are We THERE YET????" phrases. However, those winding roads can make passengers a little queasy.  Diffuse DigestZen in the car occassionally to try to calm those tummys.  This is also a great idea for time spend on a fishing boat or while sailing. 

5. A Holiday Helper. After a big holiday feast, such as during the Fourth, massage DigestZen on your stomach after big meals to help digest all that yummy food. 

6. Turbulence is on the Horizon. DigestZen is great while flying when turbulence can make you feel a little nauseas.  Make sure you keep it with you during those bumpy times. 

7. Bye-Bye Tension & Pressure. When applied to the temples, DigestZen can help aid with tension and sinus pressure. 

8. Busy Person's Buddy.  If you're a busy person, your diet can go kapow with it.  We skip meals, eat late, go for fast food, or overeat.  Your digestive system can suffer so it's good to give DigestZen a go for those times.  

9. Greasy Foods, Growly Belly.  If you eat in cafeterias or places which pack their foods with grease, you might find a little bit of digestive discomfort.  Before eating the grease, be preventative by taking a Veggie Capsule full of several drops of DigestZen. 

10. Kids Won’t Take a Capsule of DigestZen? To get things moving, put a drop of DigestZen in your child’s bath water and support healthy digestion.

11. Stay Regular. If you start to have a case of the stomach churns or symptoms of indigestion, try to keep yourself a little more comfortable by adding a drop of DigestZen blend to water, rice or soy milk.  This may aid you on a daily basis for digestive health. 

12. Balance Out the System. Use 1-2 drops of DigestZen in 4-6 ounces of water, using it as a mouth rinse with water at night if you’ve eaten a meal with strong smells, like garlic, onion, curries and more. If you like the taste of black licorice, you will love the taste of DigestZen because it contains Fennel essential oil.

13. Carnival Fun.  If you love to ride rides and eat corndogs at the fair or amusement park, take along your DigestZen to try to keep you out of the Pop-A-Squat toilets.  

14. Sometimes Nights Call for Takeout.  When you eat take-out, have a little bit of DigestZen in a Veggie Capsule, diffuse 2-3 drops, or rub it on your stomach.  It will give you a nice soothing feel and prevent indigestion or a case of the "blah" after eating.  

15. Restaurant Adventures.  Not sure what kind of experience to expect from a restaurant? OR maybe you're on vacation and you're unfamiliar with the food.  If you're not used to the food, your digestive system can become distressed.  Try a Veggie Capsule full of DigestZen or rub it on your tummy to help prevent discomfort. 

Trust me when I say, 

doTERRA will alleviate your digestive troubles and make them go away!

Note: This information has been collected from various other websites which promote doTERRA's healthy living lifestyle with essential oils.  I am not a healthcare physician or a professional.  I am, however, a doTERRA Wellness Advocate.  

For more information, feel free to visit

Friday, July 3, 2015

Reducing the Hangover

I know it's the Fourth of July holiday which for many, is a 3-day weekend.  
For several, it's also a time when people are kicking back and having a few drinks.  
Sometimes a few turns into a few too many and ohhhh, the pain the next day.... 

Keep this mixture of essential oils in mind when needing help to treat a hangover.  
It can help reduce some of the pain of those headaches and nausea
 that come with a little too much booze the night before.  

It's less toxic than over-the-counter medicines even though, I'm sure you're thinking Toxic? 
Why Should I Care about Toxic ? Especially when you put your liver through a few too many. 
But, it's never too late to help DETOXIFY that body of yours.  
Keep this trio in mind along with honey if you choose to drink this holiday weekend 
and any other holidays in the future.  

If you choose to drink, please don't drive.  

Happy Fourth! 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Face Only a Furbaby Mom Could Love? 


My furbaby, Nixon, who is 9 in his world and 63 in ours, 
had a case of the ickies with a loose stool and vomiting. 
There were no signs of lethargy and when I did the skin pinch test to see if it sprung back toward his body (just like you test on yourself for dehydration), I found he was really doing pretty good. 

He just wasn't hogging down his food in the morning like normal... He was picking the little 
Oral Care nuggets up one at a time and while I was watching his eating behavior, he decided he didn't want to be watched and would run in a different room to eat (totally out of character).  He just didn't have much interest in food and for a tiny dog, he ALWAYS has interest in food. 

While still learning on uses of doTERRA essential oils for dogs, 
I wasn't sure what to do immediately. 

I won't lie, he's so little at 15 pounds, I was hesitant to put any oils on him neat (without any FCO) but wasn't hesitant about trying it WITH fractionated coconut oil.  Peppermint or DigestZen are great options but something told me DigestZen might still be a 
little potent for my wee little one until I research it a little bit more.  

Seeing that he was pretty spry and not dehydrated yet and his only 
symptoms was the one time of vomiting and the multiple times of the runnies, 
I chose the option of diffusing doTERRA's Peppermint.  

I popped my Petal diffuser open and put a few drops of essential oil into it and actually set the diffuser close to his dog bed where he spends a lot of time (since I work from home).  
I can tell that it made him feel better even if he can't actually tell me.  

After running a 4 hour cycle twice, he was a little more bright eyed and bushy tailed with a wag in his tail and after a small meal of white rice and cubed chicken to help "plump up his stool" I am happy to report that he is just as perky as usual today and as for his stool, yes, it was plumped a little more back to normal.  

SO what did the Essential Oil do for my dog? 
Peppermint essential oil which is therapeutic grade and through doTERRA, is one of the top oils on the market, it helped his tummy.  It can be used for nausea and help to settle the stomach.  
Nixon can't tell me that it helped him but I can tell it helped him.  

SO... Essential Oils for DOGS... ????
I am learning more and more about doTERRA every single day.... and I have on my research to-do list to learn more about do's and do not's for essential oils for dogs.  
I have seen people put diffusing appratuses on their dog's collars to diffuse....
 but that was for a Black Lab.  
He weighs probably 10 times more than my little Shih Tzu so his tolerance to oil 
strength isn't as good as a bigger dog's would be.  

Small dogs need less oil and more dilution if used neat.  Diffusing isn't really an issue at all however, keep in mind when diffusing in the home, a dog's sense of smell is MUCH stronger than a human's.  There are some diffused oil combos they can't handle as well as we can.  

Dogs aren't the only creatures that can benefit from essential oils.  Did you know lavender is often used on horses who compete in rodeo style competitions?  It helps the horses maintain focus during their events.  So, if you have another pet besides a dog who might have a health need to address, there is likely an essential oil to help aid.  As I learn more, I will blog more about it.  

The more I learn about doTERRA essential oils, the more I am amazed. 
Think about it. 
Our ancestors used plants for their ailments...NOT manmade medicines.

Drugs toxify while essential oils DEtoxify.  

Have we become reliant on pharmaceuticals? And if so, why? 
Think on that and we will talk later about drugs vs. oils in the future. 

I'll admit it, there are some prescriptions I DO have to take.  
There are some prescriptions AND over-the-counter drugs that I DON'T take anymore.  

Until then, feel free to email me at with questions but DEFINITELY 
check out my website at

Have a fantastic day! 

This is an investment that has changed my life. Look at that array of oils PLUS a diffuser!!!!

Information about getting oils at a discounted price can be found on my Wellness Advocate website
My very favorite blend... I diffuse and also use in a roller ball.
My protocol for a rollerball: 
20 drops of doTerra's Balance and 20 drops of Serenity blends all topped off with fractionated coconut oil (FCO).  
It helps me calm down when stressed out or feel anxiety coming on.  

I'd like to welcome you to my blog.  My goal: to talk about myself (which I don't really like to do) and my experiences with essential oils (which I really LOVE to do).  I've had severe anxiety and a bout of depression here and there and I have been on a search for oils that can help alleviate some of those symptoms.  They're not a cure... but manmade medicine isn't either.  
What I love about doTERRA is that these oils are made completely from plants and derived from the resources where they are found naturally.  I don't know if Lavender grows naturally in somewhere like Montana but it is grown in large fields in France.  That's where the oil is derived from.  It is the top grade therapeutic oil.  They are currently not regulated by the FDA, these oils are better than some you might decide to try that are cheaper.  Guess what?  You get what you pay for.  Those are not therapeutic grade and are diluted.  They are not the purest of pure oils and barely are much different than your lavender scented lotion you buy at the big box stores.  Those are fragrances and are COMPLETELY different.  
Anyway, so my experience was to try to help anxiety and depression.  However, I also have this little lingering booger called "insomnia" and surprisingly, I have completely changed my ability to fall asleep through the use of essential oils.  In particular: lavender and cedarwood.  Lavender alone didn't help me but neither have prescription drugs.  
The ultimate thing I hope you get out of this is that pharmaceutical drugs toxify our bodies.  Essential oils detoxify them.  PLUS-- you'll be completely surprised at how much money you spend by not having to go to the doctor for silly things like sinus infections and allergies which I once had to do! But was able to clear it up pretty well on my own without the use of pharmaceuticals.  
This is just the start of my journey and I hope to share with you new information so that you know that essential oils aren't just for "hippies."  I'm just tired of relying on a over-the-counter and prescription medicines.  I no longer take sleep aids.  I rub them on my wrists.  It's great and just overall more soothing.  The best part is that there aren't that huge list of side effects that those drugs have.  Think about the last drug commercial you heard on television.  It could help with this but could cause this and this and this.  Really?  
So. Here I am, introducing myself to the world in my journey.  
I am a college-educated woman with a degree in journalism. I'm an aunt to two fabulous little boys, I'm a daughter to the luckiest parents ever, and I'm one of the most loyal friends you'll ever find.  And... most of all, I love my essential oils.  
Take a stroll with me on this path.  I'll share my experiences. Recipes for food and essential oil recipes.  Uses of essential oils.  And really anything that I find pertinent to discussion.  I'm open to questions and nothing is too silly.. Yes, essential oils can be used on your dog, cat, or even horse.  
So, come along with me through the fields of lavender.  It'll be a pleasure to take this journey and if you want more information about the company itself, feel free to visit my website at

Thanks for reading this far and have a wonderful day!